Influences for XR
Identifying Influences
How do you know?
How do you know that your current version of extended reality is actual reality?
Is it your actual perception or has someone else projected a version of reality into you?
Take a look at the grayscale visuals in this post. All of them will start in grayscale. Describe the visual and colors as detailed as possible and to the best of your ability.

How close does your description line up to the actual photo?
Don’t let people literally color your reality and influence your mind with their projections.

Consider how often have you been programmed to nod along, accept, believe, entertain, and comply with someone else's realities. Mainstream sources bombard people with this programming on a daily basis, but most people are not aware of it happening to them. They are influenced with someone else's fears, ideologies, perspective, perception, and mental projections. Keep in mind that this extended reality is what we’ve been conditioned to believe it is. When you acknowledge that you could have been conditioned, your ability to influence and manifest reality dramatically changes. There’s so much to unlearn, to embrace, to enjoy, and to discover. In order to discover anything about yourself, ignore the influences around you. There are countless influences that want to control your mind, affect how you think, modify how you speak, and convince you of what to believe in.
Notice all of the content related to what’s hot, what’s greatest, what’s next, or any of these trends that they want you to jump onto.

Your mind is strong and you can break free of the influences of the programming.
When you break free of the programming, you will see that all of the programming is designed to hide your incredible abilities from you. Extended reality has a tremendous way of influencing people. Influencing what they can do, what they believe, and what they accept. Just because your eyes can see it, then that doesn’t mean that it’s actually true.
What is your kneejerk reaction to search online for someone else's confirmation of actual reality?
Are you searching for confirmation bias?
Or are you willing to engage with cognitive dissonance?

When you start looking very carefully, you will find over and over and over again that things are not what they seem. Something feels off or something just isn’t right.
You are correct on that hunch.
Go ahead and uncover what those influences in extended reality are and have been.
When you peel back the curtain for the influences, you might realize your ability to manifest whatever you want in this reality.
And you might pause and wonder about how so many could be influenced by incredibly strong indoctrination. Indoctrination so strong that it convinces people that it’s not there. Indoctrination is so powerful that it has people blindly fighting tooth and nail for it. Indoctrination so effective that they want to be a random infinitesimally small cosmic accidents. That’s just not true. Wake up and peel back the curtains of all the influences affecting you.
Ten common XR influences:
These are some of the most relatable influences in your extended reality that you might not even be aware of. They continually influence your mind, your experiences, and your reality. Developing your awareness to these influences in XR can completely transform your reality and change your life. Evaluate the intent and outcome to determine if you agree or disagree with the statements.

Consider what is reality on TV. Think about the scripted reality TV shows, scripted news events, and countless false flags used to push agendas. How people still believe anything from paid actors delivering biased half-truths can be fascinating. All of the experiences on Tell-A-Vision have paid actors to create an altered reality for the viewer.
Intent: providing news that is accurate and trustworthy.
Outcome: manipulation of emotions to push agendas.

Social media
Consider the number of photos and videos that are placed on different social media apps on a daily basis. Think about how much time and energy is spent to capture perfect perspective to showcase a life worth living. Ponder how much editing goes into a visual that captures your attention. So many posts are intended to keep you on an app, and they will be promoted when they achieve the desired outcomes of complex, biased algorithms.
Intent: connect people to build communities.
Outcome: disconnecting people from reality.

The numerous ads that cross our paths on a daily basis aren't accidental. Each one is tailored to many details related to you and your likelihood to engage with them. It's important to controlling your perception of reality everyday. Ever picture yourself in someone else's product? Determine how often ads influence you to buy or research something. Evaluate how your actual reality would look different without any of those advertisements or targeted ads.
Intent: build better futures.
Outcome: create a longing for other lifestyles.
Ponder how much fear is driven through sickness and treatments. Note the levels of anxiety, depression, or other emotions come with a diagnosis. These companies are not in the business of curing. It is PHENOMENAL what the human body can heal when one looks outside of the pharmaceuticals. Look at their mission statements. They focus on "patients" with treatments instead of healing individuals with cures.
A cured patient is a lost customer.
Note how recurring side effects creates a subscription model for Big Pharma.
Intent: create treatments for patients.
Outcome: increased individuals with side effects.

Notice very carefully where certain governments want control to remain. Notice if it is actually within the people or within the hands of very few. Protect your mind and observe how decisions are made based on emotional triggers. When you start looking, you will find that these influences play quite a pivotal world in how you perceive this altered reality.
If you allow the government to break the law because of an emergency, then they will always create an emergency to break the law.
Intent: protecting national interests.
Outcome: taking rights to conditionally return them.

Money and time are illusions of the mind. Observe how you're conditioned to believe that you exchange these two resources. Notice how you're influenced to believe that you need to exchange two illusions, money and time, for one another. People end up locking themselves into contracts (loans, debt, mortgages, etc.) to exchange these resources. Often, people will spend 30 years saving for a future that may or may not arrive. They forget to actually live and enjoy today.
Figure out how to evaluate experiences with energy instead of time and money, and you can completely transform your reality.
Intent: making markets more fair and accessible for all.
Outcome: stealing from Main Street to pay for Wall Street.

Observe how many believe that they need to stay within an educational system to succeed. Then, when they get out to actual reality, that education truly doesn't mean anything. Recognize that it is an indoctrination system to uncover the most obedient individuals who follow orders and do not question the mainstream narrative. Look deeper into what you have been taught. You might find quite a few FASCINATING things to unlearn. Keep in mind that there are many well-paid actors within the education system that project their reality into minds. Free your mind and change your reality in the most beautiful way.
Intent: educate society leaders with facts and truth.
Outcome: programming the next generation of followers.

Consider the advancements that have been made with technology. This is one of the greatest influencers on extended reality. Narratives, facts, history, and voices can be quickly altered and changed to fit agendas. Looking carefully at mission statements, you will notice that many companies want you to do "more", "better", or "make improvements". This continues to play a role in how people perceive that they aren't enough. Disconnect from technology for a few days and notice how it transforms your relationship with yourself.
Intent: organize information to be more accessible and useful.
Outcome: keep people addicted to their platform, product, or service.

These individuals might play a small or large role in your extended reality. Hobbies, careers, partners, and decisions are directly influenced by their view on reality. Sometimes, individuals seek their approval and attention before making decisions in life. Keep in mind that you can free your mind to think clearly about the decisions that you want to make. One might find the need to shift to the polar opposite just because family members behave a certain way.
Intent: raise individuals to experience this world.
Outcome: driving individuals to alternate realities.

Notice how individuals literally want to influence you right now. They don't even hide it, since they know who and what they are. They all want to influence and shift your reality. It is generally the same types of actors around you anyways. Hollywood, sports stars, brands, professionals, and so forth. Tune them all out. It will be an incredibly fascinating reality when you can protect your mind from so many superfluous influences.
Intent: create inspiring characters who connect with people.
Outcome: convince people to blindly follow the stars.

Think back to some of your “original ideas”. How many are actually yours and not someone else's influence? Do you have the humility or interest to unlearn everything you've ever known or been influenced to know?
Just because some people BELIEVE it, doesn't mean that it's true. Look all around you.

Disconnect from the external influences of extended reality. It's an exceptionally beautiful realm when you wake up to it….
Creating Realities

As a developer or designer think about how your bias your reality your experiences are projected into and control and experience. Remember, your lived experience qualifies you as an ex our subject matter expert. Don’t be afraid to trust your insights, share your thoughts, speak up about would you perceive a reality. Your reality is the only one that matters. All the others are mere projections or fantasies created.

I’ve notice all the strategies of what people tell you to do that work well for them. Strategies they might have observed tested tried out or learned from others. The very famous “results may vary ”. People giving you generalized advice, or even specific advice, know very little about your actual circumstances, the situation that you’re about to be in, how things will unfold. Trust your own intuition, experience it, and embrace the journey. Far too often someone just wants to learn from someone else's experience, and never create their own. It’s from the different experiences your intuition within extended reality there are countless influences choose wisely on those that you let control your mind or influence your mind. Or shape your perspective.